This paper describes the principle and system components of projection TV, and introduces the importance of light medium cooling device for projection TV. 简述了背投电视的结构原理,介绍了光传媒冷却装置在背投电视中的重要作用。
I have found it more reliable to follow the surface for short to medium distance projection of up to a few hundred miles. 我发现在地表进行最多数百英里的中短距离的投射更为可靠。
Reconstruction of two-dimensional medium target is an advancing field. Based on the Fourier diffraction projection theorem, specific reconstruction of algorithm of microwave imaging is studied, and the resolution is discussed. 二维介质目标重建是一个具有发展前途的研究领域,基于傅里叶衍射成像定理研究了介质成像的算法,并讨论了算法的分辨率。
Argument Structure: A Medium in the Projection from Cognitive Models onto Syntactic Structure 论元结构:认知模型向句法结构投射的中介